One new feature at this Dodger Thoughts home is the selection of tabs near the top of the page. So, for example, if you’re only here for the Dodger content, click “Dodgers,” and there you go.
Teaser: I’m planning to add a new tab next week!
What happens when three old friends in crisis fall into an unexpected love triangle? In The Catch, Maya, Henry and Daniel embark upon an emotional journey that forces them to confront unresolved pain, present-day traumas and powerful desires, leading them to question the very meaning of love and fulfillment. The Catch tells a tale of ordinary people seeking the extraordinary – or, if that’s asking too much, some damn peace of mind.
Thank You For Not ...
1) using profanity or any euphemisms for profanity
2) personally attacking other commenters
3) baiting other commenters
4) arguing for the sake of arguing
5) discussing politics
6) using hyperbole when something less will suffice
7) using sarcasm in a way that can be misinterpreted negatively
8) making the same point over and over again
9) typing "no-hitter" or "perfect game" to describe either in progress
10) being annoyed by the existence of this list
11) commenting under the obvious influence
12) claiming your opinion isn't allowed when it's just being disagreed with
Dodgers at home: 1,028-812 (.558695)
When Jon attended: 338-267 (.558677)*
When Jon didn’t: 695-554 (.556)
* includes road games attended
Dodgers at home: 51-35 (.593)
When Jon attended: 5-2 (.714)
When Jon didn’t: 46-33 (.582)
Note: I got so busy working for the Dodgers that in 2014, I stopped keeping track, much to my regret.
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Adam Luther
I like a Tab or two. Sometimes hard to find and if you find one, it’s an acquired taste.
Just a little leery about clicking the “Life” tab.
Ken Arneson
I was cleaning out my garage last week and I found a box of old soda cans it it, still unopened. There was one can of Tab. Even though it was unopened, though, most of the liquid had evaporated away.
Jon Weisman
Evaporated away … like our pasts … (cue moody music)
The new tab will be a salute to sodas that aren’t around anymore, Pepsi Light, Aspen, Nesbitt’s.
Jack Dawkins
Btimmer, what say you about the Mahler last night?
We quite enjoyed it. I liked how at the very end, Dudamel wasn’t going to lower the baton to end the concert. One cellist was looking at him like “Dude, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure this is over.”
I hope the recording they made removed all the coughing. Lots and lots of coughing during that.
Jack Dawkins
If you think that was a lot of coughing, you should go to one of the afternoon concerts. Sounds like you are with Hans Castorp and 2000 of his fellow patients in the sanitarium on the magic mountain.
Terry Pruett
Verners, Fresca, RC Cola…
Any carbonated beverage made with real sugar.
Remember Jolt Cola? – “All the sugar and twice the caffeine.”
terry austin
RC Cola is still alive and well, I believe.
Rondo, on the other hand…
Crystal Pepsi and Clear Coke. or whatever they were called
Jon Weisman
Buster Posey not 100% but he’s optimistic.
If he’s lucky, he’ll have a Tommy Davis career. If not, probably a Bobby Valentine career.
Jon Weisman
Today in Jon SooHoo: “It is my goal to get a reunion together of the entire 1988 team someday.”
We’re gettin the band back together
I read that Jose Gonzalez’s whereabouts are unknown.
Mr. LA Sports Fan
I can’t give you a tab unless you order something.
Well then I’ll order a tab. You can look around for one in Ken’s garage, the graveyard for old soda.
David Higgins
If you want a Pepsi you gotta pay for it, pal!
I’ll take a pepsi free
I would gladly trade Tuesday a Brew 102 for a Tab today.
There is a place in Riverside that sells old fashion soda: cola, berry, sarsaparilla, etc. Old fashioned except for the narcotics. Anyone ever been there?
Andrew Shimmin
My last remaining grandparent is dying, now. She’s had a series of progressively more catastrophic strokes, over the last three days and hasn’t, and very likely won’t regain any semblance of consciousness. Her advance directive indicates she doesn’t wish to be kept alive with tubes and machinery; it’s being honored.
I’ve been trying to write this letter to a friend, but the words won’t come, so I’m trying here. I’ve seen
people do this over the years, and it feels right, somehow, even though she was an unrepentant Twins fan (and was rather cruelly dismissive of Eric Gagne; she said saves were a made-up statistic, and that, anyway, everybody knows Joe Nathan is better).
Susan Shimmin was born on a farm in North Dakota, the oldest daughter of twelve children. Her mother
didn’t believe in education for girls, but she did, and she became an RN by way of the Army, during World War Two. She married my grandfather and didn’t divorce him when he was stationed in Alaska, even though it was Alaska. They raised four children in Minnesota, even though it was Minnesota. Their kids got post-secondary educations. Even the girls.
My grandfather died twenty years ago. They’d always planned to travel, once they retired, but he didn’t
make it. She’s told me a few times, that, when he died, she was angry at him for leaving her alone. He was conscious and present, till near the end of his life, though it was clear what was coming. He taught
her how he did the bills (that had been his responsibility in their division of labor), how all of their investments worked, how to take care of a car. In the weeks before he died, he kept planning to buy a
new car for her. A Cadillac. He’d always wanted one, and he wanted her to have one, after he was gone.
She bought a Buick, after he died, because it was more sensible. But she did travel. She wanted to see
the trees in New England, in the fall, and she did. She went to London and Paris, and took a cruise through Greece, all in her 70’s and 80’s.
She spent, I think, three years (it may only have been two) of her retirement in North Platte, Nebraska,
caring her parents, as they declined and died. Her father lived to be 101; he was bumped from Al Roker’s birthday wishes because even older people shared his birthday. Her mother passed her final years having
strokes and becoming increasingly unpredictable an combative.
When my cousin was married in Italy, last year, I help-desked my grandmother through downloading and
playing the wedding pictures flash-video. Every time I sent her an email (I wish I’d made more time for this), she responded within a day, from her dial-up AOL account.
For many years, she’s walked to the gym (even in the Winter, in Minnesota) to swim. Didn’t drink, though she did accept a champagne flute the night of my parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary. She had knee (and then hip) replacement surgeries, which meant that every time she flew anywhere, she was treated to secondary security screening. I was there, once; she was kind to the TSA agent. She had a heart attack, four years ago, and, even though much of it was stupid, she went along with the rehab program.
She made the best pie I’ve ever had and she had the worst singing voice I’ve ever heard: thin, piercing, and
worbley. She had absolutely no sense of humor about her Governor Ventura. She made every quilt I’ve slept under; I suspect that’s true of each of her eight grandchildren.
She’s dying now, in a hospital in St. Paul. There’s not a single thing I can do to ease her way, but, attention must be paid and all that. The world will be immeasurably poorer for her passing.
Wonderful words. May those quilts always remind you of her.
Being a few years beyond you, this resonates in my case with my own mother. As an East Texas farm girl, she had always wanted to fly and was able to do so as her contribution to the war effort. I bow to that generation.
Sam Sokol
Thank you posting this and sharing her story Andrew; through it your grandmother’s amazing life touches and lives in on even greater circle.
My 11 yo says you would learn to be a very strong person with 11 little brothers and sisters!
We are thinking of you and your family.
Thanks for sharing this Andrew. I’m sure you feel that you wish you had spent more time with her now, but it sounds like you did get to know her very well. And what you wrote honors her greatly.
Jon Weisman
That was tremendous, Andrew.
You hope that you and your partner will have those golden years together … other than losing a child, I can’t imagine a tougher adjustment than losing that.
Late to the party…but very nicely written, old virtual friend. I lost my last two grandparents the past year, so this resonated with me. Feels like our generation is officially “on the clock” now. Best wishes.
Icaros! Good to read you
Thanks, Marty. You too.
Sam Sokol
Now I’m stuck trying to figure out whether to make porn star or flight attendant jokes that no one will get.
Haha, I’ll get them, Sam. Those were great times.
Andrew, What a wonderful story of your Grandmother. I too, lost a loved one just before Christmas. My daughter passed away from lung cancer. I wish I had done many things but you can’t go back my friend. God Bless you and your family.
I’m sorry to hear that your Daughter died, hopefully she wasn’t sufering too much at the end. My prayers are out to you and your (her) family
She’s a lady I’d like to have known, Andrew, and through your words I feel as though I do, just a little.
On Super Bowl Sunday, thanks for reminding us who the real heroes are.
Daniel Zappala
Andrew, thanks for reminding us about what’s important. It’s wonderful to see how much you’ve loved her.
Andrew, that’s a very kind, honest and touching tribute. It’s so hard when it comes time for them to go. I wish your grandmother a comfortable transition. And I wish peace of mind and soul to you and your family. God bless you all.
I heard it once said that you can learn alot about a person by observing their children and grandchildren. You have done will Susan. Peace be with you.
Sam Sokol
>I heard it once said that you can learn alot about a person by observing their children
Uh oh . . .
Jon Weisman
Um, yeah :)
Now that mine are all past 25 I welcome what one can learn about me by observing my children. For those with two year olds and teenagers, don’t be too hard on yourselves.
Old Friend Brad Penny will become a Fukuoka Softbank Hawk.
Andrew Shimmin
Is it physically possible to drink a gallon of soy milk in an hour?
How do you turn off the emails I’m getting in these threads?
You can go into the e-mail and select “turn off notifications.” I just did it myself.
Presumably, Marty just got an email telling him how to get rid of emails that he doesn’t want to get.
Thanks, can’t believe I missed that
Well, it’s not like you’re a professional IT guy. Oh wait…
It’s supposed to have two “b”s. As in Tabb.
Jon Weisman
I’ve dreamed of betting on the first score of a Super Bowl being a safety. It’s been a while. Super Bowl IX, I think.
Jon Weisman
My semi-traditional Super Bowl Slurpee has worn off. End of this game now seems very far away.
Jon Weisman
Is this Madonna concert really happening, or have they gone Capricorn One on us?
Yes Jon, it is the original Bluebleeder, your humble correspondent. :0)
Jon Weisman
How you been?
Reading the thread, it’s very nice seeing some old friends.
Jon Weisman
Giants are two safeties and a rouge from tying this sucker.
I can’t wait until football season is over.
Jon Weisman
You can’t wait an hour?
It’s an exciting game, if nothing else.
And now for some baseball…
When it comes to adios football/fútbol and hola béisbol, my patience is limited.
Daniel Zappala
That was a fun game. Couldn’t care less about either team, but it’s a great excuse to spend time with family.
That Clint Eastwood commercial was excellent.
Jon Weisman
New post up top.
Andrew Shimmin
Thanks to everyone who read my brick of prose, and to those who responded.