Dee Gordon, SS
Mark Ellis, 2B
Scott Van Slyke, RF
Andre Ethier, CF
A.J. Ellis, C
Jerry Sands, LF
James Loney, 1B
Justin Sellers, 3B
Chad Billingsley, P
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What happens when three old friends in crisis fall into an unexpected love triangle? In The Catch, Maya, Henry and Daniel embark upon an emotional journey that forces them to confront unresolved pain, present-day traumas and powerful desires, leading them to question the very meaning of love and fulfillment. The Catch tells a tale of ordinary people seeking the extraordinary – or, if that’s asking too much, some damn peace of mind.
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Dodgers at home: 1,028-812 (.558695)
When Jon attended: 338-267 (.558677)*
When Jon didn’t: 695-554 (.556)
* includes road games attended
Dodgers at home: 51-35 (.593)
When Jon attended: 5-2 (.714)
When Jon didn’t: 46-33 (.582)
Note: I got so busy working for the Dodgers that in 2014, I stopped keeping track, much to my regret.
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From the previous thread, Artie wins. (And I’m pulling big time for him)
I won’t take the credit…but this should be fun! Would Torre have ever done something like this?
I doubt he would, but with 2 starting outfielders and the starting third baseman out, what choice does Mattingly have? I know Gwynn is the best CF defensively, but I’m excited to see this lineup take the field and do well.
Well, he could still play Kennedy at 3rd, and start Abreu too many times til he dropped dead. (That’d be a bit closer to how Torre would do it.) So his hand’s been forced, but not completely.
Jeffrey Thomas III
Pretty excited to see that lineup tonight, I hope the youngsters do well. Too bad I’ll mostly be switching back and forth between Kings and Clippers playoffs game to see much of the baseball game.
Now this is going to be (cough, cough) interesting….
Derek TC
Is Andre doing a rehab assignment in Albuquerque?
Wish I could watch the game…thanks MLB and your stupid blackout rules.
KCAL game, so I’ll be watching on Game Day or Yahoo! and getting real updates here.
I’ll help as much as you need…but I’ll be listening to the Arizona announcers
Looks good to me…time to take a nap so I can be nice and fresh for the game
Is there precedent in MLB for a player making his STARTING line-up debut batting third? Surely it can’t have happened that often?
His batting average so far is pretty good!!
Mickey Mantle for one.
As fun as it is to see Sands and Van Slyke in there, I think Gwynn in center and one of those two sitting would’ve been a better choice. When’s the last time Andre played center anyway?
Jon Weisman
The 2010 All-Star Game.
Not very reassuring.
I think I would enjoy the lineup even more with Fields at third and Sellers at short.
And it’s Kennedy-free!
Jon Weisman
“Before Scott Van Slyke tonight, the last Dodger to bat third while making his first major league start was Eric Young on 7/30/92”!/truebluela/status/202526429265674240
Eric Young hitting third is more amazing than the fact that it has been 20 years.
Does this qualify as having five rookies in the lineup?
Gordon is not a rookie
I think we will do just fine with this line up today, my biggest worry today is in position 9
Cameron Sexton
My pap likes it
I hope that veteren Dee steps up and shows the rookies how to do it!
What time does your watch say kind sir?
9.55am Wedneday morning
Scott Van Slyke has reached based in all three of his plate appearances and is 2-for-2 in official at bats. Anyone know what the Dodger record is in those categories for someone debuting?
John Hale reached base four straight times (4 for 4) to start his MLB career with the Dodgers in 1974. He made an out in his first AB in 1975, which wasn’t until June 30.
Bob: Thanks.
I so wanted Hale to play full time for a month to sink or swim.
Troy Sexton
The lineup is a vivid indication of how far Loney has dropped in Donnie’s eyes.
Could be. Also facing a lefty (which is why the otherwise RH-heavy lineup).
Sure, but he has two guys fresh off the farm ahead of him in the lineup.
And, how far Donnie has dropped in my eyes.
This is must-see TV. Crazy things could happen. On defense, hope Chad keeps the ball down is all I can say. ;) But love to see the kids getting a chance. Hope it’s not their only one! This could be fun. Or crazy. Or both.
Derek TC
I hope SVS or Sands make a big enough impression that they take Loney’s spot at 1st base.
If you are going to hope, why not hope that Loney makes a big enough impression that he gets us all happy with him.
The past week he is at OPS 1.050, so there is that.
Terry Pruett
One at bat will not change the general impression that Loney absolutely blows.
I’d like them all to do so well that Mattingly is faced with tough decisions.
Two outs, both recorded by center fielder Ethier, naturally.
IDK but I would lean towards leaving Ethier in Right where he is most comfortable, putting Gwynn in center as he is the best defensively (and has been having good AB’s to boot), and playing EITHER Sands or Van Slyke in Right. But thats just me – Donnie Baseball has forgotten more about baseball that I’ll ever know I’m sure.
Then Dee called off by sands still catches the ball…He needs to peel off before someone gets hurt
Is the game on MLBtv yet?
It is gratifying to hear Vin refer to the Devil Rays by their rightful name.
SVS is no longer perfect.
looked like the second baseman didn’t try to shift the ball to his throwing hand then step on the bag…he lost the ball while shifting…I think Ellis was safe
upon further review Ellis was safe…while shifting the ball to throwing hand the second baseman lost the ball as he was stepping on the bag
MLBTv is showing the Gnats game here in SD
My condolences.
Chad’s over throwing now
should have gotten out of this inning unscathed
Good hit Jerry
Thank goodness for a low pitch count inning. Otherwise, we might see an unhappy Chad along about the sixth.
Missed it by an inning Bob
SVS does a little tango like two-step away from the plate when he gets into his stance and opens up a bit.
So Mickey Hatcher gets fired because Pujols can’t hit.
That’s what Mickey deserves for making Pujols to change his approach!
Jon Weisman
Hatcher’s approach has been questioned for years. I feel like this was overdue.
Jon Weisman
This is a death by a thousand paper cuts game.
Bills has looked almost as bad as Lincecum this game.
Jon Weisman
Elian Herrera makes his major-league debut, and YOU ARE THERE.
Dodgers missing Gwynn’s bat in the lineup.
Kings 4-0 over the coyotes…now 2-0 lead
Following up on Vin, anyone know Dimaggio’s babip during the 56 game streak?
I don’t know what it is but I’m sure it was impressive.
I wish I was around during that innocent summer of 41 to see both DiMaggio and Reiser.
Artieboy, I was actually thinking that maybe it was as high as one would think, given that he only struck out 5 times in 230 BA.
That said, Dimaggio during the streak in 1941: 408/463/717.
That said, Ted Williams, entire 1941 season: 406/553/735.
What impressive numbers
I believe DiMaggio struck out 13 times the entire season.
I will give credit to Miley, who really looks pretty good. Goes right after hitters.
Nice Catch Dre!!!
I’ve always said Ethier has more trouble coming in than going back, but he made that play nicely.
Jon Weisman
I would say he’s often hesitant coming in, and perhaps plays deeper than he should because he goes back well.
Mark!!!! That’s 1 back
Did Mark Ellis just hit a home run to center field? At Dodger Stadium? At night?
dead center about 8 ft over/passed the wall
M. Ellis muscles up. I always thought the reaction to his signing was misplaced – he’s not a savior, but he plays excellent D and has had some really good offensive years. His big problem has been injuries.
I liked it especially after you gave us the scouting report ^_^
Solo dingers always seem somewhat sad to me.
Good hits Dre and AJ
Boy, it would be nice to see Young Master Sands deliver here.
blooped too high with Justins speed an easy out
Make Matt Williams pay for holding him Jamie
Christopher Staaf
Well, this doesn’t look like our night.
Christopher Staaf
I have to give Jamey Wright credit for pitching 2 innings.
What didn’t work tonight? Or, as WBB suggests, did their pitcher have a better night?
I thought Miley looked really good.
Good eye Justin…Nice hit Tony
Come on Dee
A bit of both df
Dee uppercutting again
Dee looked overwhelmed
Christopher Staaf
Which is why I seriously hope he either sits for the next two games. If Sellers could hit .250, Gordon would be in ABQ right now.
Miley was excellent tonight
Is that Juan Pierre/Rafael Furcal slap bunt all that hard to master? Why wouldn’t Dee add that to his arsenal as the corner infielders keep creeping in?
Christopher Staaf
If his hand-eye coordination and plate discipline were as sharp as Pierre/Furcal’s, I am sure Dee would do it. Right now he’s essentially Herb Washington with a glove.
Come on Mark
AJ with the arm
Well, at least Coffey was not horrible, and Elbert was pretty good.
Agree. Held my breath as soon as saw him rumbling in… That said, I’m not sure “was not horrible” is MLB material.
Mind you, there wasn’t much to lose by letting Coffey pitch in that situation.
well we need at least 4 runs here to have a chance at a 7-1 homestand
Well Kennedy, Coffey and Elbert come through when the game is not on the line today
I can’t recall, does Vin do San Diego games?
Christopher Staaf
I think he will make the bus trip down with the team as well. At least I hope so because the other guys (I refuse to mention their names) are not very good at all.
Your are generous in your assessment of “the other guys.”
And that’s that :(
well night all…time to start another winning streak tomorrow
I hate to say it, but I think Dee needs some ABQ time.
definitely agree but I think I would put him in the 8th or 9th hole depending on who the pitcher is for a couple of games
A trip down or just down the batting order?
They might try the order thing, at least until Hairston gets off the DL next week, given the situation in the infield. Sellers, then, who has been playing third would have a chance to devote himself to SS. This would probably work, if the plan would be for just a short stay for Dee down on the farm, but hard to imagine that they would go with Sellers for an extended period, unless he starts hitting. Still, not a lot of options (Aaron Miles!?)unless they go outside the organization. Angel Berroa, anyone? Anyone?
Sellers is excellent defensively and, if he can hit something, would be a good alternative. Dee’s defense has improved lately as well – he looks more relaxed and has made some excellent plays. He even backed off and let Sands take a ball last night.
Let’s go Rockies.
Another poor performance by Billingsley, I see. Whatever happened to that guy we thought was going to be so good when he first came up?
Well, he is pitching better than Lincecum, at least.
nsx, The Wikipedia article on the ML disabled list says a 40-man player hurt in the minor leagues cannot be put on the 60-day DL. I realize that Wikipedia articles are not always right and that Silverio was hurt in the off-season. If there is a way to get him on the 60-day DL he would have to get on the 25-man roster first. The Dodgers could have done this at any minute there were only 24 men on the active list if it were both allowed and advisable. It might not be advisable, in general, because the player’s time in MLB would start counting which could cost a team millions of dollars down the road should the player prove to be a star. I don’t think I have ever seen a team try this maneuver as I wrote to you previously.
You have mentioned Castellanos in ways that implied the fact he has not played since April 23 and is on his team’s DL has escaped your notice. I did try to bring this to your attention twice before this.
Man, this is great. #AJEllisFacts
Why on earth is today’s game at 3:35?
I was about to ask the same question. I don’t know of any other team that starts games at this hour.
Because the normal starting time for a day game, 12:35 or 1:35, would have been just too early with the team arriving the night before?
I guess the question is why is it a day game at all, though, given the Padres did have to play in DC yesterday, and it’s the first game of a series. Still have no clue, esp since Padres have a big say in the matter of time for home games. Maybe a special event game of some sort?
Don’t have the foggiest.
Jon Weisman
Maybe they thought the Clippers were hosting a playoff game in San Diego tonight?
The Padres start most of their Wednesday games at 3:35 this year. I guess they want to make it a “thing.” Some are earlier if teams have to get out of Dodge.
Before illumination wasn’t 3:00 pm the traditional play ball time? I know its the traditional kick off time for the football match. Not sure about cricket.
Jon Weisman